Our network locations

IP Transit is essentially a connectivity service that delivers IP Traffic between your servers and the rest of the Internet. We can offer three different types of IP transit depending on your business connectivity requirement: Multihomed, Tier 1 or Partial based on peered prefixes.

Our complete datacenter locations list

# City Country
1 Amsterdam The Netherlands
2 Anchorage Alaska
3 Barcalona Spain

Quality and Performance

For our core infrastructure, we utilize renowned brands like Juniper and Brocade. We use modular network equipment and choose strategic locations worldwide. Because of this, we can not only guarantee the best availability of our network, but also make it more scalable and robust.

Thanks to pro-active management, both within and outside of our network, we are able to respond and act quickly on issues – most of the time, even before they play out. Our Network Operations Center is active 24 hours a day, seven days a week to ensure the quality, stability and availability of our network.

With this premium infrastructure we offer you a blazing fast and reliable internet connection that you can expect from an Internet Service Provider.

Experience our services

Everyone can experience our high class services 30 days for free, no payment information needed and no strings attached.

Meet our team and contact us if you have any special needs or need some advice on your project.


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